Larsén X., Du J., Badger M., Bolaños R., Kelly M. and Larsen S. (2017): Impact of the interfaces for wind and wave modeling interpretation using COAWST, SAR and point measurements. Oral presentation at European Geo. Union, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
Rodolfo Bolaños, Palle Jensen, Henrik Kofoed-Hansen, Jacob Tornfeldt Sørensen (2017): Bottom friction. A practical approach to modelling coastal oceanography, Poster presentation at European Geo. Union, Vienna, Austria, 2017
Larsén X., Bolaños R., Du J., Kelly M., Badger J., Badger M., Hahmann A., Karagali I., Kofoed-Hansen H., Petersen O., Sørensen J., Imberger M., Volker P. and Larsen S. (2017): Coastal extreme winds and waves from COAWST-WBLM modeling system. Presentation at Offshore Wind Energy − WindEurope, June 2017, London, UK.
Kelly M. and Volker P. (2016): WRF idealized-roughness response: PBL scheme and resolution dependence. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol 13, EMS2016-389, 2016, 16th EMS/11th ECAC.
Du J., Larsén X. and Bolaños R. (2016): Roughness length for coastal waters from wave boundary layer model. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol 13, EMS2016-28, 2016, 16th EMS/11th ECAC.
Larsén X. and Du J. (2016): Storm Britta. In Scientific Proceedings of WindEurope 2016, Hamburg, 27 − 29 Sep. 2016
Du J., Larsén X.G. and Bolaños R. (2015) A coupled atmospheric and wave modeling system for storm simulations. Abstract and poster at EWEA Offshore conference March 2015, Copenhagen
Karagali I., Høyer J., Du J. and Larsén X (2015): Implications of diurnal warming events on atmos-pheric modelling. In proceedings of the 16th Science Team Meeting, ESA/ESTEC.
Larsén X.G., Du J. and Bolaños R. (2015) Wind structure during mid-latitude storms and its application in Wind Energy, conference abstract in proceedings, The 4th Hydrology-Atmosphere-Ocean conference, 19 − 21 July, 2015, Shanghai, China.
Bolaños, R., Larsen, X.G., Petersen, O.S., Nielsen, J.R., Kelly, M., Kofoed Hansen, H., Du, J., Søren-sen, O.R., Larsen, S.E., Hahmann, A., Badger, M., (2014). Coupling atmosphere and waves for coastal wind turbine 102 design, in: Lynett, P.J. (Ed.), 34th International Conference On Coastal Engineering. Coastal Engineering Research Council, Seoul, Korea, p. 11.
Larsén X.G. and Kruger A. (2014): Extreme gust wind estimation using mesoscale modeling, in proceedings, EWEA 2014, paper and PPT.
Bolaños, R., J. V. Tornfeld Sorensen, N. A. Beg, O. S. Petersen, M. Rugbjerg and H. R. Jensen (2013). Oceanographic downscaling with unstructured modelling: Towards ocean-wave-atmosphere coupling. The Future of Operational Oceanography (Futoore), Hamburg