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Larsén X., Du J., Bolaños R. and Larsen S (2017): On the impact of wind on the development of wave field during storm Britta. Ocean Dynamics, 67:1407 - 1427, DOI:10.1007/s10236-017-1100-1.
Du J., Larsén X.G., Bolaños R., Kelly M. and Larsen S. (2017): A revised dissipation source function for the wave boundary layer model and its impact on wave simulations. Manuscript to be submitted to Ocean Science.
Du. J., Larsén X.G., Bolaños R., Kelly M., Badger M. and Larsen S. (2017): The impact of wind-wave coupling on the coastal wind and wave simulations during storms. Manuscript to be submitted to Tellus A.
Larsén et al. (2017): The impact of wind-wave coupled modeling on the estimation of oshore extreme wind. Manuscript in preparation, to be submitted to Journal of Applied Meteorology
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Larsén X., C. Kalogeri, G. Galanis and G. Kalos, (2015): A statistical methodology for the estimation of extreme wave conditions for offshore renewable application. Renewable Energy, 80, 205 - 218.